Alleco Ltd. manufacture and supply a vast range of waste, recycling & eco, products / solutions for businesses, local authorities, colleges, schools, retailers, community and Tidy Towns groups, leisure organisations and homeowners. Please find below a summary of our other products that may complement any raised beds and links to the relevant websites.
EcoFurniture manufacture and supply a vast range of outdoor furniture products all manufactured from high quality recycled plastic, which otherwise would have been disposed of in landfills. The properties of recycled plastic ensure it’s life expectancy is a minimum of 5 times longer than timber and is virtually maintenance free.
Find out more at:

EcoPlanters manufacture and supply a vast range of outdoor planters and hanging baskets, all manufactured from high quality recycled plastic. We also manufacture stainless and galvanised steel planters or units made from a combination of materials. The properties of recycled plastic ensure it’s life expectancy is a minimum of 5 times longer than timber and is virtually maintenance free.
Find out more at:

Ecobin manufacture and supply an extensive range of internal and external waste (litter) / recycling bins. We manufacture / supply units in stainless steel, mild steel with a powder coated finish and plastic. Our superior range of internal and external waste (litter) / recycling bins are used extensively in offices, colleges, schools, retail stores, leisure complexes and by County Councils and Tidy Towns groups throughout Ireland and the UK, however should you not find units that meet your requirements, we would be glad to discuss your requirements and design bespoke unit/s for you.
Find out more at: